Extras: Wings, Kendra, Obama's Choice, and the Fate of Biron


Link highlights for your Saturday:

  • A commenter pointed out yesterday that we hadn't provided any
    coverage of the famed WIP Wing Bowl. Having not been at said event, our
    coverage may have been a little nebulous. However, I will say I'm glad
    it's over. I don't begrudge WIP the opportunity to throw what sounds
    like a fun party, all the while finding something to pass the time
    during the winter sports wasteland between the Eagles annual departure
    and the return of the Phillies, but let's just say I've been listening
    to the iPod a lot on the morning commute. Food stunts at 8am don't
    really do it for me. But as photog Max Levine chronicled, Wing Bowl
    wasn't without its highlights.

  • Last week, we discussed whether Martin Biron will be the Flyers goalie
    of the future, with he and a number of other keepers entering free
    agency this off-season. But will he even make it that long? After last night's stellar performance by Antero Niittymaki, Sam Carchidi asks whether Niitty is playing Biron out town,
    if not his starter's role. With Niitty's injury history, I'd say the
    Flyers are better off keeping both, but 11 wins, 2.51 GAA, and a .919
    save percentage is pretty outstanding for a "backup." The trade
    deadline is a month away, and the Flyers front office is rarely quiet
    this time of year.
  • Torn between malaise and intense dislike, most Eagles fans don't
    seem to be rooting for any particular team in tomorrow's Super Bowl.
    From our informal poll, it sounds like either they're rooting against a
    team, or they don't give a shit. One man who does care is our new
    POTUS, who threw his support behind the Steelers.
    The Dems haven't had much luck in Arizony lately, so he might as well
    make camp in the swing state this week. Obama gave a few
    second-closest-to-my-heart reasons (such as the frank acknowledgement
    that owner Art Rooney donated a lot of money during the campaign),
    rather than the tried and true "They're my AFC team."
  • TO might not be the only receiver to make the reality TV rounds
    this year. Hank Baskett's SLF Kendra Wilkinson may be done with nudity
    and The Girl Next Door, but she's not ready to give up her role in the
    educational documentary community. Wilkinson is currently filming a new reality show, which will likely include some of the wedding planning with WR/male model Baskett. 
  • The Sixers beat the lottery tickets out of the Wiz last night,
    but they may have lost Sammy D for a few games. Look for Marreese
    Speights to get some more PT while Dalembert nurses a sprained ankle.
  • Mets fans are clearly not feeling too confident despite their improved bullpen. Otherwise dozens of fans wouldn't have turned out to beg for Manny.
  • If Bruce runs a little short, maybe the NFL can tap this stunt artist. Nothing like a near-drowning to spice up halftime in Ok. City.
  • Philebrity chats with Steve Volk, the man who penned the article on the current state of print news in Philly that everyone has been forwarding this week. 
  • We don't like when our feelings coincide with those of Yankees
    fans, but I guess we can all live together in a harmonious world of
    Mets/Shea Stadium bashing. Rob from Walkoff Walk remembered Shea with fond disdain earlier this week. How was that REM concert, Iracane?
  • I can say with complete honesty that the world of webs does indeed need more Mottram. This oughtta be good.
  • Zo bids farewell to the Inq. More on this to come.
  • Mark your calendars folks, in 2022, a new number will be raised to the United Check Cashing Center rafters.
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