Morning Extras: What are you Thankful For In Sports?


With Thanksgiving tomorrow, this seemed like the obvious post today, no? This headline will be draped across the blogosphere asking everyone what they are thankful for. But, in this town, we actually have some really tangible things to be thankful for this year.

We're thankful for the Phillies. We're thankful for the 25-year wait (and weight) to finally be off our collective shoulders.

But what else are we thankful for this year? There are two winter-sports teams who look to be solid if not very good teams in the Wachovia Center. There is a football team that, while in somewhat disarray, seems to have a change of plan coming in some way this off-season. Oh, and there's a football team in State College that is smelling roses.

So, what are you thankful for in sports?


• This topic, like I said, is not new. We actually talked about it on the show today, with Dauerio, Steinberg, Lisa Winston from and a few more bloggers. Everything from the BCS to small time college hoops. Everything from Dexter to Gossip Girl to Tofurky. Yes, we run the gamut.

• Someone was going to to it. It was right there sitting for us. Ashley Fox has the honors, taking McNabb's "the janitor" comment and making it into the story. Troy the Janitor will soon be making campaign stops with John McCain.

• So ESPN owns the BCS now. People are starting to chirp about the conflict of interest that creates. How can pundits rip something that obviously needs fixing when the company that employs them just spent more money than ever on the product.

• Adjust your fantasy rosters. Derek Anderson just became important for the playoff run.

• Checking in on meech in this post baseball world. He has info on Shane Victorino's charity golf outing, including some other Phils, Neil Everett from ESPN and Chuck Liddell. Iceman playing golf? That I'd pay to see.

• USA Today has the annual debate: Do the Cowboys and Lions deserve to get Thanksgiving games every year? And man Tennessee, how great would undefeated against defeated have been? I think they were looking past the Jets last week.

• Finally, from Monday, this week's Schuylkill 16 rankings. It's awesome because all these teams play each other...even the ones who aren't in the Big Five. Really makes it fun. Click for this week's rankings.

Have a great and happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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