There's a Place for You in Hell, Alex Kovalev


Simon Gagne missed most of last season while suffering the effects of post-concussion syndrome. Some wondered whether he'd ever play again. But this season, he has returned in a big way, logging 19 points in 15 games and leading a powerful Flyers offense.

So, understandably, it should be part of the opposing team's strategy to get him off his game. But this elbow to the head was just plain dirty.

Surprisingly, the Flyers didn't really respond to this hit or the
boarding that Jared Ross's face endured at the cowardly hands of Tomas
Plekanec, which was far worse than the elbow to Gags' head. Admittedly, without the concussion, it's just a garden-variety elbowing. But even Jonesy and Jackson were wondering if Saku Koivu would be safe for the rest of the game.

Perhaps the Flyers' lack of retaliation had something to do with Georges Laraque beating
the daylights out of Josh Gratton
early in the game and Riley Cote being scratched, but I think it was
more that they didn't want to do anything reactionary and jeopardize a lead in an
important game. I was expecting it to get really ugly, but it never really did, except if you were a Canadiens fan hoping to see your uber-hyped team get back on track. The Candiens struggled mightily to generate offense, in large part because they couldn't get the puck out of their zone and lost a few key battles to Flyers forwards deep. Losing by playing desperate and dirty is no way to mark your franchise's centennial, Guy.

And, Gary Bettman, I've never been much for wanting league justice, but I submit this viddy to you. After the suspensions you handed down to our guys last season, you'd better prove consistent when you view these two dirty and cowardly hits by the Habs last night (no video of the Plekanec hit yet).

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