Eagles Q&A: Boston Scott's talent extends beyond the football field


Each week during the 2022 regular season, we’re going through the Eagles’ media guide.

The Eagles’ PR interns do a great job of filling out these little oddities in the media guide and they serve as a good way to meet the player behind the helmet.

This week, we chatted with running back Boston Scott, whose bio says he’s surprisingly good at: “I play a lot of instruments.”

Me: What do you play?

Scott: I was in the band growing up. In middle school, I didn’t make the team and I wasn’t playing football for the 6th grade year. I’ve had a bunch of musicians in my family. My little sister is 100 times more talented than me. She actually composes music and just recently had a piece of work played at a museum in Tampa. So she’s a pretty big deal. My grandma also, she played piano, she led the choir in church. My aunt, my dad, we had a lot of musicians in the family.

One of the things my parents always told me, don’t limit yourself and put yourself in a box. Try different things, do different things. Music is one of the things I’ve explored. I started off with trombone, I played that, played in the jazz band in high school. Couldn’t really march because I played football.

Me: Double duty.

Scott: Some people do double duty but I wasn’t about that life. But, yeah, I did trombone and I just kind of mess around with other instruments, guitar, piano. I only know like one song on piano. But I play around on guitar. I have an electric guitar back at home. It’s something that I just like to do as a hobby. It eases my mind.

Me: That’s cool. How much younger is your sister than you?

Scott: My sister is 3 years younger that me.

Me: So were you guys like growing up, playing together?

Scott: Yeah, we were in the choir together. She was in the youth choir with me at one point. But she definitely stuck with music. I went the sports route. She stuck with the music, she’s done an incredible job. She went to a jazz festival where our jazz band from high school was performing at UMass and she was offered a scholarship on the spot. So she’s a highly talented individual.

Me: That’s cool. So do you still mess around with it in down time?

Scott: I do in downtime. Obviously, with Dignitas I haven’t had much time.

Me: Yeah, you’ve got a lot going on.

Scott: Yeah, but I’ll definitely just pick it up and play around a little bit.

Me: If you pick it up now, what are you going to?

Scott: I just like playing on the acoustic. What would I play? I don’t know. Some church-type stuff.

Me: Yeah, but the acoustic, you can play that by yourself. Because the trombone …

Scott: Yeah, the trombone. If you’re special you can make it a solo. But it’s tough unless you’re in a group setting.

Me: Cool, man. I didn’t know that about you.

Scott: Yeah, man. The more you can do.

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